Sales (Conversion)


Converting leads into sales is art of building rapport, identifying customer “hot buttons”, matching the value proposition to customer needs and concluding a win/win arrangement with your customer. Follow through in fulfilling promises to customers and after sales service is also key to selling more to existing customers and getting referrals.

Here is a typical process that takes about 12 weeks (3 months) to complete.

  1. Confidential Business Analysis (CBA)
  2. Database: Suspects, Prospects, Customers (CRM)
  3. Sales Psychometric evaluations and profiling
  4. Sales Keys Workshop (Conversion)
  5. Sales Process and Sales Tools Workshop
  6. Conversion Techniques and Training Workshop
  7. Lock down workshop
  8. Customer Feedback Program and Sales Statistics Tools
  9. Sales Recruitment and On-boarding (buddy and shadowing)
  10. Sales Manual (“How to”)
  11. Sales Action Plan

To get started with Sales Conversion Module –

Contact us on:

  • United Kingdom: +44 20 7097 1869
  • South Africa:  +27 10 215 0119  or  +27 82 780 4088