Sales (Conversion)
Converting leads into sales is art of building rapport, identifying customer “hot buttons”, matching the value proposition to customer needs and concluding a win/win arrangement with your customer. Follow through in fulfilling promises to customers and after sales service is also key to selling more to existing customers and getting referrals.
Here is a typical process that takes about 12 weeks (3 months) to complete.
- Confidential Business Analysis (CBA)
- Database: Suspects, Prospects, Customers (CRM)
- Sales Psychometric evaluations and profiling
- Sales Keys Workshop (Conversion)
- Sales Process and Sales Tools Workshop
- Conversion Techniques and Training Workshop
- Lock down workshop
- Customer Feedback Program and Sales Statistics Tools
- Sales Recruitment and On-boarding (buddy and shadowing)
- Sales Manual (“How to”)
- Sales Action Plan
To get started with Sales Conversion Module –
Contact us on:
- United Kingdom: +44 20 7097 1869
- South Africa: +27 10 215 0119 or +27 82 780 4088